Location of dance school 'Salsabor a Cuba'

Address of dance school 'Salsabor a Cuba' is Street Escobar no.64 between Lagunas and San Lázaro, Central Havana, Havana, Cuba

Mobile Erik (also called Chino), owner: (+53) 5 302 75 01 


The dance school is located in Street Escobar no.64 between Lagunas and San Lázaro in Central Havana and just 8 min. by foot from Paseo del Prado and Old Havana. 

Dance school Salsabor a Cuba
Facade of dance school 'Salsabor a Cuba'
Dance school Salsabor a Cuba
Facade of Salsabor a Cuba

Street Escobar no.64 between Lagunas and San Lázaro Central Havana,  Havana, Cuba

Interactive map of 'Salsabor a Cuba'

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